I actually first read this as alkalizing meaning effecting pH level, and I was like, OK I guess I understand how that could positively effect your body, but alchemizing...
The glamour of Old Hollywood beauty is the inspiration behind this season\'s beautifully sculpted makeup.The glamour of old Hollywood is the inspiration behind this season’s beautifully sculpted face a
Avoid dry winter skin by following our tips for moisturizing, following a healthy diet, and protecting your skin from the elements.At this time of year, we’re often greeted with the extra nip of winte
Pretty up your feet with a pedicure before the big party. Don\'t have time to hit the salon? Give yourself a relaxing do-it-yourself pedicure at home.Warm woollies help keep our toes warm–and hidden–in
Lifestyle factors play a major role in maintaining healthy skin. Diet, including food and drink, provides nutrients for the optimal functioning of your skin.In recent years it has become clear that li
Mud has a dirty reputation. But it turns out that mud, dirt, and soil have many health benefits and properties that can make us healthy and happy.Mud has a dirty reputation. Soil, mud, dirt–they’re wo
There\'s no need to go au naturel when you can go all natural. There are many natural and organic lipsticks on the market that will fill your beauty needs.Plump, juicy lips coated in bright red lipstic